Synopsis and Review Movie

So i just watched a film that called "Nicos Weg", which means "Nicos away". Okay first of all before i start reviewing the film, i'm going to tell you the story briefly. At the beginning of the film, we see there's a man using an elevator and was going up. And shortly after that, we are shown where he was. Then we see that he was in German Airport, and he was shown using his headset and was listening to some German Sentence. 

Shortly, he met a little girl, that little girl was trying to start a convertation with him. After that, there's a woman approaching the man and the little girl. At first we would think that this woman was this little girl mom. Buutt...SPOILER ALERT!!!! She was her aunt. After that, that man get outside of the airport and met that little girl again. Then he dropped his bag and reach the girl, but this is where the problem of the story begins. 

That man bag was picked up by someone accidentally, it was known that the taxi driver thought is was one of his passenger bag. Then when the man was playing with the little girl, he realize that his bag was taken.

 He tried to scream to the taxi driver but sadly the taxi driver has gone far away and didn't hear that man scream. And at the same time he screamed, the woman and the little girl goes back to their car. But that woman continued to stare that confused man in the car, then she came out of her car and asking that man what happen. She asked him where do he wanna go and where the bag has gone to. Then after that, the man took a picture from his pocket and we can see a woman in that picture. And then the man pointed the woman in the picture and say "Yara", then he say that she was his aunt. 

But sadly her adress, his cellphone and everything was in the bag. But the good thing is that woman and the little kid was ready to help that man to find his destination. And then when they're in the car, that man told them his name. And from now on we can knew "That Man" as "Nico", and that "Little Girl" as "Emma", and last that "Woman" as "Lisa". Then after that, she stopped at the gas station to refuel her car, and at the same time we were introduced to a new character, his name was "Max" and he was one of the Lisa friend.

And then skip to where Lisa call his Dad to help her to find Nico Aunt. Lisa Dad, was an officer, so he might help Nico to find his Aunt. And after he talk to Lisa Dad, Nico goes to Lisa Apartement and met some few Lisa Friends. The first one is "Sebastians", and the second one is "Nina". And the third one which the one that gonna move out from the apartement is "Nawin". 

And at that time, Lisa and her friend was preparing a party to say goodbye for Nawin. And goodly Sebastians helped Nico by posting her photo in social media hoping somebody know where her bike shop is. At the night of the party, Nico met one new Lisa Friend again, her name was "Selma". On that party Nico and Lisa Friend chatting and playing. And finally after that, somebody commented on Sebastian Social Media about Yara Bike Shop Location. Both Nico and Lisa goes to that location, but sadly, it was a fake location.

Shortly after that, Lisa and Nico was sitting in the Bus Stop, suddenly Lisa told Nico that he can only stay a few days only in the apartement because the apartement is getting renovated and Lisa with her friends are going to a vacation. So then she suggest finding a Hostel. And after that, because of Nawin moved out, they tried to find a replacement to him. 

There's actually 3 people that almost replaced Nawin, but sadly all of them doesn't really fit in that apartement. Fit in this definition is, the first one is Marvin, he was way too slovenly, the second one is way too rocky or he's too much complaining and trying arrange the apartement himself. The last is she was too disgusted about the apartement. Skip after that, Lisa was asking Nico for taking care of Emma. And then Nico agreed, and he take care / babysitting Emma for a day, they had so much fun. After that, Nico visit Max Restaurant that called "Das Marek", in there he met Max Friend called "Tarek". 

In there, Nico was chatting with Max and Tarek, then he was invited to play football with them and their friend. In there we introduced to an Old Lady called Inge too, Inge heard that Nico needs a room and then she gets up and told Nico that she has a space. Then after she leave, Max saw that Lisa leave her Portofolio away and forget about it. Hurriedly Nico and Max goes to Lisa Job Interview Room and at the same time they met Lisa and give the portofolio to her.

When Max and Nico where waiting Lisa, Nico told Max that he run away from his parents because he hates studying and his father was forcing him to study. Shortly after that, Lisa came out of the job interview room and she told them that she was accepted. Skip after that, we were shown that Lisa and her friend was preparing to go for vacation, and suddenly Lisa dad shown up and told Nico that he found her aunt bike shop.

Nico and Lisa goes there, sure for now it was a real location. But the shop was closed and Yara was not there. After that, Nico now stayed in Inge House. He helped her a lot of homework. Then, Nico goes back to Das Marek, and chat with Max. Suddenly, he saw Yara picture on the wall. And then Max told Nico that he knew Yara. Both of them opened the bike shop but still Yara was not in here. Then, Max told Nico some ingredient to be buyed for Inge Cooking. After that, Inge and Nico goes to a bread shop to buy some bread and apple pie. 

Then goes to Traditional Market to complete buying ingredient. Shortly after that we was shown the taxi driver again, and then he dropped the passenger bag along with Nico bag, but the passengger ignore it. So that Nico Bag stays in the street, after that some homeless man took it and took some Nico Clothes and leave it again. After that we saw Lisa and Selma walking together and actually passing the bag. And when Selma walks alone, she saw Nico bag and brought it back to Nico. 

He was really grateful that his Phone and Paspor was still in there. Then Nico and Selma goes to Clothe Shop and bought some cloth, then Selma give Nico her Number. And at the night Selma come to Inge House because her wallet was left in Nico Bag.

And after that, we see Lisa Dad, Tarek, Nico and Max in Yara Bike Shop doing investigation on where Yara is, they even see Nico Parents Picture because of Yara left it behind while ago before she leave the Shop. After that Nico and his friends prepared to playing football. They goes to the soccer field by car and preparing anything. While Tarek cooking some food, Nico suddenly scream. His friend helped him sit down, and Nico told them that his foot was hurt. 

Max and Tarek brought Nico to The Hospital. Even Lisa came to check Nico condition too, later he goes back to Inge Home to rest. After that we see a quick convertation between Lisa and Selma. After that we see that Nico friend surprise him by bringin him some spain food. Then we see some Lisa and Selma quick convertation again and lastly when Nico and Tarek was in bike shop, Yara came back to her bike shop and met Nico.

For me, this film has so much positivity on it, and i've learn some new words too but yeah it may be not that much but still. And in my opinion, it was a yet really fun and entertaining film to watch. The story are so light yet still good, the actor played their characters so well either making the film was really comfortable to watch. There's a sequel of that film which i'm going to watch it later. 

Maybe thats all from me, sorry if there's a mistake. I hope you enjoyed the film too as i did


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